Residential Solar Power Solutions At SolarEPC, we specialize in designing, installing, and monitoring solar power systems for homes and small businesses. Our comprehensive services cover every step of the process, ensuring seamless implementation and ongoing support. From initial consultation to monitoring the performance of your solar installation, we are dedicated to providing reliable and efficient renewable energy solutions. With SolarEPC, you can trust that your transition to solar energy will be smooth and hassle-free. Take the first step towards a sustainable future for your home or small business today.
From 5kw to 50kW+:Our range of solar solutions encompasses various PV (Photovoltaic*) Systems, each offering multiple design options. These systems comprise three fundamental components essential for harnessing solar energy efficiently.
Solar PV modules: Solar PV modules transform sunlight into electricity, serving as the cornerstone of solar energy generation. Available in various sizes, efficiencies, and power ratings, our panels are exclusively sourced from manufacturers renowned for their highest quality standards.
Inverters: Inverters play a crucial role in solar energy systems by receiving electricity from Solar PV modules and converting it from DC (Direct Current) to AC (Alternating Current). They vary in functionality and output, with four basic types: Hybrid, Grid-Tied, Bi-Directional, and Off-Grid. Your choice of inverter type will determine the configuration of your solar energy system.
Batteries: Batteries serve as an essential component by storing electricity for future use, such as during power outages or when solar energy production alone is insufficient. They come in various options distinguished by capacity, lifespan, efficiency, durability, and cost considerations. Typically, batteries used in solar applications are designed for deep cycle usage, ensuring prolonged performance and reliability.
When you are ready we’ll assist in advising the best battery solution for you based on your individual requirements. Complete the form on the Contact Us page and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Example: Consider a typical scenario of power consumption and solar power usage. Power usage usually peaks in the morning and evening, whereas solar power generation reaches its peak during midday. This misalignment can lead to a disparity between solar power generation and consumption. When solar generation is lower than consumption, all available solar power is utilized immediately. However, if solar generation exceeds usage, batteries come into play by storing excess solar power during the day for use during the night. Choosing the appropriate solar system depends on factors such as the system's size relative to consumption, ensuring optimal utilization and efficiency tailored to your needs:
Definitions: *PV: Photovoltaic essentially means electricity from the energy of the sun and is derived from the words “photo” with the Greek meaning light and “voltaic” meaning voltage.
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